Friday, December 31, 2010

Let It Go for 2011

There are people who can walk away from you and hear me when I tell you this! When people can walk away from you; let them walk. I don’t want you to try to talk another person into staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you, staying attached to you.

When people can walk away from you let them walk. Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left. The Bible said that, they came out from us that it might be made be made manifest that they were not of us. For had they been of us, no doubt they would have continued with us (I John 2:19)

People leave you because they are not joined to you, and if they are joined to you, you can get super glue and you can’t make them stay. LET THEM GO. And it doesn’t mean that they are a bad person, it just means that their part in the story is over and you’ve got to know when people’s part is over so that you don’t keep trying to raise the dead. You’ve got to know when it’s dead. You’ve got to know when it’s over. Let me tell you something, I’ve got the gift of goodbye. It ‘s the tenth spiritual gift, I believe in goodbye. It’s not that I’m hateful, it’s that I’m faithful, and I know whatever God means for me to have he’ll give it to me. It takes too much sweat I don’t need it. Stop begging people to stay. LET THEM GO!!

If you are holding on to some thoughts of evil and revenge….LET IT GO!
If you are involved in a wrong relationship or addiction….LET IT GO!
If you have a bad attitude…LET IT GO!
If you keep judging other to make yourself feel better…LET IT GO!
If you’re stuck in the past and GOD is trying to take you to a new levelin
If you are struggling with the healing if a broken relationship….LET IT GO!
If you keep trying to help someone who won’t even try to help themselves…LET
If you’re feeling depressed and stressed…LET IT GO!
If there is a particular situation that you are so used to handling yourself
and God is saying “Take your hands off of it,” then you need to LET IT GO!
Let the past be the past. Forget the former things. God is doing a new thing
for 2011…LET IT GO!
Get right or Get Left…think about it, then…LET IT GO!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Special Thanks for the Candle Lights Service!

I would just like to take this time and give special thanks to those who helped with this program. Without you none of this would have been possible. To Pastor and Sis. Jones and my church family thank you for your permission to have this program (again); and your love and support. To the parents and guardians for your time, energy, and patience while we worked with your child. To my many children thank you for your obedience and desire to participate, To the workers, Christal, Shari, Sis. Rosa Street and the parents who help out extra or wherever I needed you.

To my co-chair and friend, Gabrielle, thank you for everything you have done to make this service as successful as it was.

I pray that this Christmas Candle Light Service has lifted your hearts as we continue to worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ during this Advent season. This is the season that we celebrate the Glory of the Good News that Jesus was born to die for our sins.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

In His Service,

Rev. Feltus C. Frost, Youth Pastor

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Latin hymn from 12th century
English translation by John M. Neale, 1818–1866
He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David, and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever; His kingdom will never end. (Luke 1:32, 33)
The preparation for the celebration of our Lord’s birth begins four Sundays before Christmas Day. This begins the period known as the Advent season. Advent centers on the Old Testament prophecies concerning a coming Messiah and His establishment of an earthly kingdom. The Messiah’s coming was prophesied 600 years before His birth. At the time the Jewish people were living in captivity in Babylon. For centuries thereafter faithful Jews earnestly anticipated the Deliverer-Messiah with great longing and expectation, echoing the prayer that He would “ransom captive Israel.” And finally the long awaited heavenly announcement came— “Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord!” (Luke 2:11).
“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” was originally used in the medieval church liturgy as a series of antiphons—short musical statements that were sung for the week of vesper services just before Christmas Eve. Each of these antiphons greets the anticipated Messiah with one of the titles ascribed Him throughout the Old Testament: Wisdom, Emmanuel, The Lord of Might, The Rod of Jesse, Day Spring, and The Key of David.
The haunting modal melody for the verses is also of ancient origin. It is based on one of the earliest forms of sacred music known—the Chant or Plain Song.
O come, O come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel, that mourns in lonely exile here until the Son of God appear.
O come, O come, Thou Lord of might who to Thy tribes, on Sinai’s height, in ancient times didst give the law in cloud and majesty and awe.
O come, thou Rod of Jesse, free Thine own from Satan’s tyranny; from depths of hell Thy people save and give them vict’ry o’er the grave.
O come, Thou Day-spring, come and cheer our spirits by Thine advent here; O drive away the shades of night and pierce the clouds and bring us light.
O come, Thou Key of David, come and open wide our heav’nly home where all Thy saints with Thee shall dwell—O come, O come, Emmanuel!
Refrain: Rejoice! rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.
For Today: Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; 11:1; 22:22; Matthew 1:22, 23; Luke 1:78, 79; Galatians 4:4, 5
Christ came not only to be the Emmanuel—“God with us”—but even in a more personal way, God in us. Carry this truth throughout the Advent Season.

Osbeck, K. W. (1990). Amazing grace : 366 inspiring hymn stories for daily devotions (361). Grand Rapids, Mich.: Kregel Publications.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Candle Light Service

Messiah Missionary Baptist Church will be holding their annual Candle Light Service December 19th at 6pm. Come out to celebrate what CHRISTmas is all about..CHRIST! More importantly the youth of Messiah will be in strong effect in participating in the Candle Light Service so please come out to not only get your blessing but to also support the next generation of saints! Now more than ever we need to support our youth and encourage them to have positive and spirit building extracurricular activities. Come out and be blessed ♥

Christmas Cafe

The first ever Christmas Cafe will be held at Messiah Missionary Baptist Church in the Fellowship Hall. This is a young adult event but ALL are welcome. There will be food and drinks sold for $5.00 and under. The Christmas Cafe will have a lounge type of feel and there will be live entertainment and it's open mic. Please come out and enjoy yourself. Not only will you have a good time but you will be supporting the Young Adult Ministry at Messiah as well. Hope to see you there! Friday December 3rd, 2010 from 9pm to midnight!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Memorial to Anna Koval

It is with sadness that we inform you of the passing of Anna Koval and mother. Sis. Anna can best be remembered for her beautiful smile and her calm spirit as she worshiped with us at Messiah. The Messiah family is sadden by this information, however we are joyful in knowing that Sis. Anna is now with her Savior Jesus Christ. Many lives have been touched by her countless efforts to make Jesus famous; our prayers and support go out to the family of Sis. Anna Koval. May God keep you as you endure this time of lost for your mother and grandmother. More information can be found on the web site listed below.

"Well done, you good and faithful servant: you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things: enter you into the joy of your lord." - Matthew 25:21

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Messiah MBC Inspirational Choir presents our 21st Annual Musical!

On Sunday August 8th at 4:00pm the Inspirational Choir of Messiah Baptist Church had their annual musical. The outfits were a treat and the colors, yellow and lime green made you feel like it truly was summer. The songs they sang were a mix of old school and new school that offered a little something for everyone. They sang upbeat songs, Delivered by Youthful Praise and With God I can by Bishop Larry Trotter and songs you can groove to (yes Christians groove) like God Wants a Yes by James Hall and It’s Gonna Rain Rev. Milton Brunson. As Christians we get so caught up in the world, working, taking care of our kids, focusing on school, that sometimes we need a night where we can go into the sanctuary and just praise His name. Sometimes we need to bring all our worries and cares into the sanctuary and leave them there. This musical was not about songs being sung but about ministering to God’s people; so they can remember with God you can get through this and He will deliver you like He delivered the three Hebrew boys from the fire. Often times we remember the stories we were taught in Sunday school and we believe that God through Jesus performed all those miracles but we don’t believe He still performs them today. Well like those songs encouraged the congregation to do, we need to believe it! The same blessings that fell on the people that chose to say yes despite it all can fall on us if we pick up our cross daily and follow Him. I hope someone other than I had their spirits lifted by the musical and if you have free time please listen to the songs mentioned above and I am sure they will be a blessing to you.

God’s faithful servant,
Michelle Denise

Sunday, May 23, 2010

‘Soles 4 Souls’ Covers Feet Across the World

Soles to Souls
Messiah Baptist Church members collected 500 pairs of shoes for children in Africa. From left are Deacon Deacon Samuel Omotosho, Pastor Perry Jones and First Lady Pamela Jones.

Sentinel News Service

In a small village in Nigeria, hundreds of children are sporting new footwear thanks to the efforts of two South Los Angeles churches.

Messiah Baptist and operates "Soles to Souls" outreach ministries which collect shoes for distribution to needy families in Africa.

Earlier this month, the members of Messiah joined with community groups to deliver more than 500 new pairs of casual, dress, and sports shoes to those in need all across the world.

"Through 'Soles for Souls', our goal is to change the world, two feet or one pair at a time, by donating shoes. Without shoes, there is no protection against the diseases caused by the dust and dirt. These diseases can lead to limping, swelling and in some cases, amputation of the limbs," said Mrs. Pamela Jones, Messiah's first lady and organizer of the church's program. "We were inspired to launch 'Soles to Souls" after hearing the story about our member, Deacon Samuel Olushola Omotosho."

A native of Nigeria, Deacon Omotosho received his first pair of shoes at age eight. "But I was too embarrassed to wear them because I was the only child in my village with shoes. Finally, on Easter Sunday, my grandmother reminded me that shoes were meant to be worn, not carried," he said. "With that kind of experience, it's always been my desire to help those children in the villages without shoes."

Omotosho came to America and thrived, but his siblings remained in Africa. Later, both his brother and sister died within months of each other, leaving behind 11 young children for him to provide long-distance support.

Mrs. Jones said, "When I heard about his situation, I asked him how I could help. Then, I thought of donating shoes so, for the last two months, we have been collecting them. Our goal is for "Soles to Souls" to be an ongoing program and we move from village to village contributing new shoes."

'Soles for Souls' is part of the Pamela Jones Foundation for Hope. Its mission is "to make a difference in the lives of children in the U.S. and abroad." The foundation also offers breast cancer education programs and health care assistance for single parents.

"We invite the community to contribute new footwear in any size and all shoes are sent to support communities in Africa," added Mrs. Jones.

For information on the program at Messiah Baptist Church, call (323) 734-7920.

Monday, April 12, 2010




a must see, (or hear lol) choir that is sure to please

Young women of God that praise Him with excellence EVERY time they step up to minister.





Thursday, April 1, 2010


Messiah MBC Inspirational Choir of Los Angeles took their annual trip to the Bay March 20th-21st. On the 20th the choir was able to check into their hotel and perfect their praise at Ebenezer Missionary Baptist church, their hosts for the weekend. After going over songs, all the choir members headed to Bay Street in Emeryville. There they would have time to eat, relax and fellowship. Later that night everyone gathered for consecration, as they all know it is important to remember why they are singing in the first place. There they gave God glory for the save trip, amongst hearing some of His word. They may have been fed physical earlier but our Chaplain knows it is more important to be fed spiritually, for man cannot live on bread alone. Everyone then went to their respective room to get some rest for the very busy Sunday they had ahead. Sunday morning came faster than many expected and everyone piled into the vans to head over to Ebenezer MBC. The women were able to attend Sister Craddock’s Sunday school, where they would be fed a lesson about always maintaining that “new heart”. After Sunday school the women and men met up and got ready to sing God’s praises in the morning worship service. Later that day they would sing God’s praises in EBC’s Annual Youth day. Throughout that Sunday the choir sang familiar songs like He’s Able by Deitrick Haddon and songs that were new to their repertoire like My Mind Made Up Written by Darius Brooks. There was a skit done by the youth of EBC which encouraged the youth of today to take care of their responsibilities, go to school and to not be “bad” just because it seems cool. Overall the trip was a huge success bringing friends and family in the church building. God moved throughout the place and many had their spirits lifted or received a blessing. They thank God for the safe return home and look forward to going again next year.
God is good,
Michelle Denise

Friday, February 26, 2010


Monday night the 22nd of February, after a quick prayer, the Inspirational Choir of Messiah Baptist Church walked through the doors of the Staples Center. They were dressed in long sleeve button ups, jeans and white sneakers; uniform yet casual. Before they prepared to warm up they prayed again, as they would do a couple more times before the night was over. When God propels you higher, you must not forget how you got there or why you are there. After a quick sound check, some felt relieved, while others got anxious. Many have never been on television nor sang in front of thousands, so it was a new experience for most. It’s amazing the things you will get to experience if you seek God first. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 KJV If you look to God first and stay on the narrow path you will experience life like you could never imagine. Many people believe that being a Christian means you cannot have fun or participate in exciting things. At the end of the day it’s about using your being as a vessel for God, while staying true to the Bible and striving to be Christ-like. The Inspirational Choir had a chance to experience this as they walked on the court to sing the National Anthem. As they got in their places, the lights around went dim, as spotlights were projected on the choir. Before they could go into “and the home” the crowd started to go wild. The arrangement of this National Anthem was unlike any other before. The contact person for the Clippers that we had been dealing with even said it was one of the best National Anthems he had ever heard, and he had heard a lot. With all that being said the singing of the National Anthem by the Inspirational Choir of Messiah Baptist Church was beautiful and they thank God for the opportunity. They pray that God continues to keep them and use them to His glory. May you look to God first and know that all the other things you desire on earth will be granted to you, if it is in His will. Stay strong in the Lord “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
God Bless,
Michelle Denise

Thursday, February 18, 2010

This Monday February 22nd the Inspirational Choir of Messiah Missionary Baptist church will have the opportunity to sing the national anthem at the Los Angeles Clippers vs. Charlotte Bobcats game. They feel very blessed to have received this opportunity and although the song may not mention God’s name they are still singing for Him.

This choir has continued to grow and prosper by God’s grace and although they will be seen on national television they remember that “It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves.” Psalm 100:3. This goes to show if you continue to do God’s work He has a blessing with your name on it. May God keep you and remember if you stay on His path He is able to do “exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us." Ephesians 3:20

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Photo by Rev. Feltus C. Frost

"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” -Mark 10:45 NIV

Here at Messiah Baptist Bible study is a vital part of who we are as Christians. Paul told Timothy "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15 KJV). Therefore, Messiah Baptist has many opportunities for its members to join one of our Bible classes. Our Monday night class that is taught by Rev. Feltus C. Frost, Youth Pastor. The class is studying the Gospel of Mark. The main theme of the class is SERVANTHOOD! Learning from the living examples of Jesus Christ, our great missionary and Savior.

Monday Night study starts at 6:30PM come and join!

Our other weekly Bible study classes are as follows:
SUNDAY (classes are held from 9-10AM)
Sunday School for all ages - Sis. Maureen E. Malone, Superintendent

Teacher's Training Institute - Rev. Dr. Whalen S. Jones, Pastor Emertius @ 6:30PM

TUESDAY (classes are held from 7- 8:30PM)
The Epistle of Paul to the Romans - Deacon Ernest Webb
The Epistle to the Hebrews - Deacon Samuel Omotosho

WEDNESDAY (class is held at 12:00 noon)
The Acts of the Apostles - Rev. Perry J. Jones, Senior Pastor

THURSDAY (class is held from 6:30- 7:30PM)
Bible Study - Rev. Daryl Street, Young Adult Pastor

Home Bible Study - Deacon Daniel Brantley

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Hello members and friends of Messiah Baptist Church. Welcome to our first church blog. Here we will give you weekly information about our church. Events that are coming up and worship services.

Please send any comments to help make our church a better place.